Parallella (パラレルラ)
Members (L→R) : Belief, Hina, BoA, Poly, Liew
2023年10月結成、同月ROAD TO AKIRA-KURØ : 5 Year Anniversary Concertでステージデビュー。
MAYDAYの2期生で、MAYDAY解散後に結成されたREBiRTH (2023年6月に解散)のメンバーでもあったBelief, Hina, BoA, Liewの4人にBoAと仲がいいPoly (ex. ShiningStars)が加わった地下アイドルグループ。
Formed in October 2023, they made their stage debut at ROAD TO AKIRA-KURØ : 5 Year Anniversary Concert in the same month.
This underground idol group consists of Belief, Hina, BoA, and Liew, all of whom were members of REBiRTH (disbanded in June 2023), which was formed after Mayday's dissolution, and Poly (ex. ShiningStars), a good friend of BoA.
Poly graduates in January 2024 for health reasons.
HatsuHana no bane (初花のバネ)
Members (L→R)
Reina, Kyouka
Yurina, Peiqin
2023年10月結成。同月、ANA FEST Thailand Day 2でプレデビューし、1st single "SnowDrop"をリリース。
Kyouka (ex. RELIVE世界)とHani (ex. ShiningStars, Sanagistory, MAGESTA, Zestar)もメンバーとなっている地下アイドルグループ。
Formed in October 2023. They made their pre-debut at ANA FEST Thailand Day 2 in the same month and released their 1st single "SnowDrop".
Kyouka (ex. RELIVE World) and Hani (ex. ShiningStars, Sanagistory, MAGESTA, Zestar) are also members of this underground idol group.
In December of the same year, Hani graduated and Yurina joined.
Members (L→R): Pat, Mochi
2023年10月に結成。同月1st single "จีบหนูที (Can I flirt?)"をリリースし、Idol Exchange : Before Halloweenでステージデビュー。
Formed in October 2023. Released 1st single "จีบหนนูที (Can I flirt?)" the same month and made their stage debut at Idol Exchange : Before Halloween.
Members (L→R) : Sandy, OT, Gunji
2023年7月に結成、9月に1st single "U sure? (รับได้ป่าว)"をリリース。元ASTERのGunjiとSandyがOTと組んだTポップグループ。
Formed in July 2023 and released their 1st single "U sure? (รับได้ป่าว)" in September. Gunji and Sandy, formerly of ASTER, teamed up with OT to form this T-pop group.
Members (L→R)
Nana, Ayano, Shion, Riko, Melon
Luna, Yuki, Bambiboo, Chisato
ライブハウスのLIVE COREが設立したレーベルMONOPHINEの地下アイドルグループ。
元地下アイドルのNana (ex. DEADKAT), Riko (ex. Sanagistory as Grace), Chisato (ex. RELIVE世界 as Kaede)がメンバーとなっている。
An underground idol group under the label MONOPHINE, established by the live house LIVE CORE.
Former underground idols Nana (ex. DEADKAT), Riko (ex. Sanagistory as Grace), and Chisato (ex. RELIVE World as Kaede) are also members.
While most underground idol shows are held on weekends and holidays and are completely free of charge, this group is exploring a new direction for the underground idol scene in Thailand by holding shows not only on weekends and holidays but also on weekdays such as Fridays and Mondays and charging for drinks.
MONOPHINE is also preparing its second idol group.
Members (L→R) Tara, Plaifah, Sonya, Atom, Cheers
Label : GMM Grammy
GMM Academy出身者からなるガールグループ。
メジャーレーベルGMM Grammy傘下のGNESTから2023年9月に1st single"Barbie (Oops! Oops!)"でデビュー。
A girl group from GMM Academy.
They debuted with their first single "Barbie (Oops! Oops!)" in September 2023 on GNEST, a major label affiliated with GMM Grammy.
The members are generally tall, ranging from 166 to 177 cm in height.
Members : Bella, Beya, Earn, Jayna, Jeda, Kate, Loma, Ninew, Rice
2023年7月結成、9月に1s single "I BE WITH U"でデビューしたジュニアアイドルグループ。
前年に解散したTiny Girlsのメンバーが数名在籍している。
A junior idol group formed in July 2023 and debuted in September with the 1s single "I BE WITH U".
Several members of Tiny Girls, which disbanded the previous year, are members of the group.
NIKKO NIKKO (ニッコニッコ)
Members (L→R)
Minkko, Baitoey, Fah
Iya, Mewyu, Ize
Label : IC45 Entertainment
TGG Entertainment傘下のIC45 Entertainmentのグループとして6月に結成し、同月1st single "Mr. Bingsu"と2nd single "Seize The Light"を同時リリースでデビュー。2曲ともにWarner Music Thailandが配給となっている。
Minkko (ex. ASTER as Mink), Baitoey (ex. SUMOMO), Iya (ex. ShiningStars), Mewyu (ex. DAISY DAISY, Violet Wnk), Ize (ex.WISDOM)といったメンバーににインフルエンサーのFahが加わった地下アイドルグループ。
Formed in June as a group of IC45 Entertainment, a subsidiary of TGG Entertainment, they debuted with the simultaneous release of their 1st single "Mr. Bingsu" and 2nd single "Seize The Light" in the same month. Both songs are distributed by Warner Music Thailand.
This underground idol group consists of members Minkko (ex. ASTER as Mink), Baitoey (ex. SUMOMO), Iya (ex. ShiningStars), Mewyu (ex. DAISY DAISY, Violet Wnk), Ize (ex. WISDOM), plus influencer Fah.
IKINARI TELL ME (いきなりテルミー)
Members (L→R)
Miu, Mayuki, Minnie
Bessy, Momo, Meri
Label : FreeK-Laboratory Thailand, Siamdol
タイのSiamdolと日本のFreeK Laboratoryが提携したグループとして2023年6月結成、同月Siamdol Zoo Partyにてステージデビュー。
8月に1st single "Hanikami TomYumKung"をリリース。
Bessyは元Bastty。Meri (ex. JYA☆PON etc.)とMiuは日本人。
Formed in June 2023 as a partnership between Thailand's Siamdol and Japan's FreeK Laboratory, the group made its stage debut at the Siamdol Zoo Party in the same month.
The first single "Hanikami TomYumKung" was released in August.
Bessy is ex-Bastty. Meri (ex. JYA☆PON etc.) and Miu are Japanese.
Members : Bow, Neen, Thorthai, Atom, Pun
2023年5月に結成し、7月にTwaveでステージデビュー。Just Dance Entertainment所属。
メンバーのBowは元SECRET12、Thorthaiは元The Glass Girls Trainee。
Formed in May 2023 and made their stage debut at Twave in July. Belongs to Just Dance Entertainment.
Members Bow is formerly of SECRET12 and Thorthai is formerly of The Glass Girls Trainee.